We are so excited to finally launch College Dress Relief, also known as CDR! This has been a long time coming with months and months of research and planning. We hope you find CDR entertaining, inspiring, informative, and eye-opening!
Here's a little run-down of how this is going to work and what CDR exactly entails:
1. Lexi and Danielle, as well as the rest of the awesome CDR team, will be exploring campus each week, searching for people who stand out to us with their personal style and expression through what they're wearing. We will ask if we can take your picture, jot down a few notes about your outfit of choice, thank you kindly, then send you back on your way to class, the library, the ARC, etc..! This will be called: Student Style Look of the Day or #sslotd, we'll add the pics to our social media pages (twitter, instagram, facebook) and on here! So keep an eye out for some fashion-loving ladies scouring campus with cameras draped around their necks and looks of determination on their faces! This goes for girls AND guys- we don't leave anyone out, no matter your age, ethnicity, major, or gender, so sorry fellas, but no one is safe ;)
2. CDR is all about enlightening the SRU community about how fashion is not just what-meets-the-eye. On top of Student Style Look of the Day, CDR will include: student editorials about fashion-related subjects, Instagram photo contests, special events and fundraisers for non-profits, how-to and DIY articles, "chic peaks" of what's on trend, tips on how to dress for less, fashion news around Western PA (and the rest of the world for that matter), and much, much more!
3. Upcoming things to look out for from your people at CDR: Swap Don't Shop, CDR Goes International!, FashionABLE sales, CDR Awareness Photo Contest, Save the Earth in Style (Earth Day series), and CDR takes NYC!
So take a deep breath, let your concerns of school and other life-of-a-twenty-something troubles drift away, and allow CDR to be your daily stress reliever!
Thanks in advance for embarking on this style-friendly journey with us!
Your friends,
Team CDR.