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Kick Summer Boredom to the Curb

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

By Gabby Yanniello

If you are anything like me you absolutely live for breaks. Down time is what I look forward to all year, especially during summer break. Three months of not worrying about school or grades is an absolute dream. Although I do value working over the summer and time to myself, I also value experiences and making memories. Here are four ideas for activities to do over summer break to kick summer boredom to the curb, that also won’t break the bank!

Go see your favorite artist in concert/at festival: Okay, so this one is not the cheapest option, however investing in concert tickets are one of the best things you can do. Last summer, I saw Panic! At the Disco in Pittsburgh and I went to Warped Tour in Burgettstown and I had tons of fun! Concerts are where I made my favorite memories. You are surrounded by people who have the same amount of passion for the artist as you! You can get concert tickets at a bargain price if you look at the right time. Sometimes, Ticketmaster and Seatgeek offer coupon codes to get $20 off your purchase, or if one of your favorite artists is performing at a music festival, go then because there is a probability that another one of your favorite artist is performing there as well and you get more for your buck!

Baseball Games: Even if you are not a sports fan, baseball games can be a lot of fun if you bring the right people! And to make things even better, they can be super-cheap for college students! Most Major League teams offer discounted tickets to students attending college in the same state/area of the team.

Take a trip to go see family members or friends: Throughout the school year we can all get caught up in school and work that we forget to maintain our relationships with our family and friends. Summer break is the perfect time to take one day to go visit a friend or family member you have not seen in a while or build a better relationship with someone you see all the time!

Volunteer: I think most of us get caught in the mindset of working and always getting something in return. Volunteering can have many benefits and rewards that money cannot measure up to. Hospitals, animal shelters, YMCAs, and food kitchens are always looking for volunteers. Even just going once every 2 weeks can make a big difference in someone’s life. I am definitely going to make more time in my schedule this summer to volunteer!

Explore your hometown & surrounding cities: When most people want to do something fun they think they have to drive hours and spend lots of money on activities & food, but you can find plenty of things to do near your hometown without breaking the bank! Smaller cities usually have cute coffee shops, boutiques, hiking trails, drive-ins, and local events. Check out your city’s Facebook page, news station, or website to find cool things and places in your own backyard!


Photo Credit

Gabrielle Yanniello (@gabbyyanniello)

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