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Gifts to Never Give

It is that time of year again…. CHRISTMAS. It is right around the corner, and it is never too early to begin shopping for our loved ones. There are many great gift guides and go-to gift ideas out there, but today I will be giving you my personal “Do NOT Gift” list for the holidays.

There are certain unmentioned rules regarding gift giving and here is my own advice on what types of gifts you probably should reconsider!

First on my list would be underwear. This isn’t a particularly awful gift to give to someone you are super close with, but it is definitely an inappropriate gift in general. Maybe a gift card instead.

Second, souvenirs. It is great and so sweet and thoughtful that you were thinking of a loved one while vacationing to the Outer Banks but keep the OBX palm tree magnet to yourself.

Third, would be cash. It seems nice everyone loves some cash, but personally I believe a gift should be a bit more personal and sentimental. Cash is a bit tacky, but a gift card is great! Same idea right!

Fourth, would be pets/ a pet. This is a bad idea for multiple reasons. We all love pets for the most part, but pets are a lot of work. Unless it is clear the individual is planning on the purchase already, it would not be a good idea.

Finally, the last item I tend to not gift is clothing. Everyone is different with different tastes, preferences, and sizes. If you are not too close to the person you are buying a gift for, clothing isn’t the best idea. You don’t really know what they would like or what their styles is and figuring out the size is a nightmare. Best to try something less personalized.

In conclusion, gifts are amazing no matter what but take into consideration the dos and don’ts to make the holidays go smoothly! Happy holidays and happy gift giving!

Written By: Gabriella Palmer

Edited By: Crystal Lord

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